You know the rules (and so do I): A Twilight Fanfiction

~Chapter 8~

Alice turned to rosalie and nodded. rosalie seemend sad but resigned as alice handed her a rock with red ansd black stripes. It looked just like...Joseph smith's seer stone!!q11! Somewheere in her multimillion doller mcmansion in mormonville, utah, stephanie meyer sneezed.

"MOON QUAKER POWER, MAKE UP!!" roaslie shouted. pink rinbbons rapped around her, and when they were gone she was dressed in quaker clothes with a cunty buckle hat n everyfing and about six feet tall.

"Youre a MOON QUAKER?"? bella screeched. "I thought htey were a mythh!!"

"I dindt want to tell you bella but," rosalie sniffed, "i had no choice. now lets defeat the FVBI!!"

"ok but dont hurt charlie!!" bella cried. she stepped away from rosalie as the silver light from her seer stone formed th shape of a massive curelom just like the native americans used to ride in the book of mormon!! rosalie climbed ontp its back and tobether they charged forwards to meet charlies mechsuit. when roslie got close enough she aimed the magical seer stone at the army of fbu mechsuits and said "STARLIGHT MOON QUAKER 2 NEPHI 5:21!!" and an pulse of whit e and delightsome energy exploded from her and suddelny all the mechsuits froze in place and turned into crystal!!!@

charlie banged at his windpw until one of the less cunty mothpeople resciued him ad brought him to bella. jessica finally crowdsurfed her way to the stage and bella he;ped her up with her big strong bulging mothwoman muscles.

"yay! we did int!! and eferyone i care about is safe! bella cheered. but alas...she had spoken too soon. in a blinding flash of light and wirh the chant"MOON QUAKER TELEPORT", suddenly the stage was filled with moon quakers!! real actual ones from the moon!! they were wearing all black with white lace collars. there were buckles on their shoes, belts, and hats. their eyes were ringed in angsty goffik eyeliner. "Wow, goth quakercore!!" bella thought privately. shed have to copy that.

the tallest one with the biggest buckle hat turned to the crowd of mothpeople and spolke in a low, ringing voice. "Ah, my old emenies. Daughter, take my hand and I will lend uou the power to defeat then forever."

SHe reached out to Rosalie.

The guy in the sound booth accidentally played a record scratch sound effect over the stage speakers..

"DAUGHTER??" bella roared. "rosalie are you...the moon princess :O??"

Roslaie nodded solemnmy, a solem tear gliding solemnly doewn her sloolemn  cheek. she turned to her mother, the sigma quaker. "You will not fight the mothpeople. My girlgfriend is a mothperson and I love her. You broke up with the moth queen like a thousand years ago,,can you just move on?"

"NEVER" roared rosalies mom. "not after the situationship she put me in!!"

bellas mom, who had drifted closer while they 'd been talking, suddenly landed on the stage. "Hepzibah Chastity. We meet agein."

roaslie's mom gasped."Mothlina!!! how dare you show your face here after what happened in 1102!!! i even let you keep the cat!"

mothlina sighed mournfully. "im so sorry fo rhow things ended. i miss you babe. ive grown so mych as a person since we last parted. can we give things a sexcond try?"

hepzibaks eyes filled with tears. "yes of course!!! i missed u babe!!"

they ran to hug each other so fast that hepzibah's hat got knocked off her bald head. then they started frenching. alice looked respectfully. 

the moon quakers lowered their weapons. the audience cheered. and rosalie picked up her fallen guitaar. "what do you guys say?? do we play one last song?"

the crowd went crzazy as she n her band played the opening riff to their second top song, somwehere i belong. everyone was dancing and singing, even the fbi agents trapped in their nonfunctional mech suits. and standing between rosalie and jessica, bella had a realization. "HEY" she shouted over the noise from the song. "DO U GUYS WANNA BE IN A POLYCULE?" rosalie and jessica looked at eadch other and then nodded, grinning big. "YES!" theuy said. and everyone lived happily ever after.