You know the rules (and so do I): A Twilight Fanfiction
It is said that we are the mask and the wearer. In the tradition of Tara Gilesbie, I have found more of my own face in it than I imagined I would.
~Chapter 1~
Bella used to think the mothman was a myth. she hated the name too. the mothman was obviously a woman, so why did they call her a mothman? obviously not because spell check separeated the words moth woman and the author didnt want to go back and edit.
bella loved the mothman though. The band not the cryptid. they all wore masks that hid their faces that looked like moths so she didnt know what they looked like (this will be mportant later :0) the basnd was two women and three men. the blond woman whi oplayed the electric keyboard (like in pirate metal!! look it yp) was so gorgeous. she looked like a cowgirl except cowgirls didnt exist in this reality so balla didnt know that. she wore coeboy boots that had been inbented by her because couwboys dint exis t in this reality either. her hair was the color of apple pie. she sang too sna she sounded sooo good. bella knew every song by heart.
no one at belas school cared about the mothman though the band or the cryptid. one day her mom told her that the mothman were gonna perform in phoenix!! :D she was so hyped that she squeed (as I wish I could. The cost of maintaining my dignity rests heavily on my shoulders. I am burdened by a weight I have chosen of my own free will.) and jumded up and down.. "MOM!! I WANT TO SEE MY BAND PLAY!!!"
"ok honey. ill bouy you ticket.
balls was aso ecxited that she told her whole class. unfortunately they were al haters nd didnt line the mothman band. "boo they are maned adfter a wanted criminal!" bella started to cry. the mothman wasnt real but the gobernment blamed herfor 9/11 for finanical reasona. "i hate you all the mothamn isnt real! and the band is really good! aou should listen to them!!" bella let pput an war peircing shroek that broke the windowa. the classmate that had yelled at her exploded into red goo. all the other students didn t notice vecause they were grabbing their heads and beleed ing out ther ears. bela looked in horror then ran out of the bouilding and home. her mom hugged her as she cried and later andswered the lpolice officer and said they didnt know what happened but bella was ypset after seeng a classmate die and could they leabe her alocne please. it worked because opolice officers are sexist ant this benefits women sometimes.
bela moved ayay adter that. she didnt want to be ahynted by the memory. her mom seemed sad too, birdened by ome guilt that bells didnt inderstand. she didnt get why though.
she hated stupid washingtom and hse hater her stupid dad who only liekd to fish even though there were only trou t in this reality and trout tasted really bland. he was bestf friends with this old guy who awas native american but he wasnt a werewolf because this realuty isnt racist. her dad was aslo a police officet tpo and bells woeeied hed find out about her murder eand arrest herR#!!!! she didnt want that to happen D:
on her forst day of school, she wanted to make a good impression. so she put on her faaaavorite skinny jeans (dyed black >:)) and her favrite mothman t shirt!!! (the band) and a baggy flannel and did not put her hair up oin a messy bun because ehe didnt have any hair she was bald. it eas an aunfortunate response to dmedication shed been given as a baby that was a plan by Caillou (waea lthy billionaire in this readlyity and not merely a cartoon creature( to feel less self conscious of his own chronic lack of head hair. he made mabies take the dmedication and g o blad all their life so the didnt have to feel bad anymore. hes like elon musk but nmore ethical because tha medication he made did solve sids but he didnt tell anyone about the side effect for personal reasona. so instead bella put on a beanie instead, it wwas black and ripped like her jeans.
she didednt have a truck because trucjks are stupid and i hate our canr dependend society. she go t her bilke instead and biked to the school wihich tiiook like ten minutes olinger that it would have taken by truck.
when she got to schoo,l, you'll never guess whou she saw :00 except she dowesnt know who it is yebt but we do ;) ;) see you later!! my compunter is on 4 % byee :3