You know the rules (and so do I): A Twilight Fanfiction
~Chapter 6~
bella's mom held her hands (feelers?) oyt over the ceremonial frie. "in accorance with the Decree from Obama, we ar e hhunted and scorned in this cursed country founded on stonlen land and contless genocideds" she whisphered cuntily. but i have seen a vision. Soon all will change! Behold!!1
In the dire appearad an sihlouet of a betifull mystrerious figure with a strange bulbous nose. "The chosen one! just as the prophecy says!!Clad in black goffic clowncore she shall appear bringing a new era od peace for all mothckind!!!""
the other dmothpeople (all male) (all mothlpeople are amab) (belas mom is the only trans mothperson and so maturally shes the priestess like in motst preindustrial civilizations) wiggled their feeleres excitedly.
"the time is yupon us!! tomight shal bring u s our vindication and obama shall regret the day he was presicent in 2001 ans delicerev a speech publivly blaming the mothmankingdonm for the unfirtunate terror attack of september 111rh! we shall have iuor revenge on that slutty little man! (a/n *please* look up obankles its so fuckign good)
The mothman councel ended as usual with a brisk game og monopoly and a traditional screening of Captain EO. agfter everyone left, bellas mom tirned to her crystal ball to watch bellas journey to the concert, her journey to the dawn of a new era. "oh m y poor child, how i grieve that i abandoned you so. how i miss your mother," she wimpered remembering renee's sexah emerald orbs and bisedxual shou.lldr length hair with bangs. its too bad bella's mom had to run into hiding shortlu agter bella was born.
Bella braked so hard she drifted, apraying gravel in a half circle from the tires of her vintage 70s bicycle, Mothman (the band) blasting from the tsape deck. she planted one oversidzed shoe on the ground, feeling so betiful and mysterious. a girl who saw her swooned. jessica hojpped out of the passefnger side, grabbing her tjhree foot wide cowboy hat from the bed of bellas bike. "thanks for the ride, babe" she said, "ur bike is totally sweet!"
"I know" saud bella knowlefdgealby. "Charlie got it from his side hoe billy. its from the 70s."
"wow! older vehicles are totaly cool and better made ant not at all more dangerous to drive due to a lack of crumple xzoneds!!!" jessica said happuly. somehwere backstage at that very venue, edward cullen felt a shiver down his spone.
They got into the concert and one of the open9ng bands started to play. it was...hudson mohawke!! "oh my gowddd i love this bnadn XDDD" bella said while moshing to cbat with jessica. then, all of the sudden...
it was Time.
th e lights dimmed. pwople hushed. nd out onto the satage walked... MOTHMAN!!! (the band not the cryptid duh)
the crowd went wild. everyone totally crowdsurfed bella to the front og the crowd becuz of how totally hot she looked. and suddenly mothmina was RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HER. And bella realized something.
the frontwoman of mothman lolked down at her. "bella, you arrived!~ yes, i am rosalie. this was what i wnated to tell you at the show. come onstage with me my betiful scrunkly scrimnblo and TOGETHER we will SONG mothmans NUMBER ONE HIT." she stood above bella with her hand out. bella took it nd rosalie used her sexah lesbian bicepts to pull bella up to the stage. she bit bellas shiny black clown nose and at the honk the crowd went wild. bella gigled and shuffled her shoes, accidentally hitting a secutity guard standing three feet awat in front og hte stage.
the stage lights were in her eyes as rosalie held out the microphone for bella to sing the opneing lines to "I'm Trans."
"Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real"
teh crowd was moshing like crazy. theyd lifted up jessica onto ther shoulders and she was screaming bellas name. "i love you bella!! i love our overly dependent friendship that every lesvbian experiences at a young age! its so great to be best friends who are girls!!"
bella turned to rosalie and together they sandg into the microphone the first verse of "I'm Trans".
"There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced)
(That there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure"
Suddenly bella felt something weird. it was like she was crawlimg in her skin. she moshed as rosalie began the chorus hoping the feeling would go away.
"Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real"
suddenlt bella was in pain. she screamed as light burst out of her skin and the band stopped playing to wastch as she transformed.., into the Mothwoman!!! :0 oh no!!!