You know the rules (and so do I): A Twilight Fanfiction
~Chapter 5~
Rosalis didnt like concerts. She missed when the gand was small and they didnt have many fans. now the audiencxe was full of fickin preps. she took a ling tome in the dresing room choomsing her outfit. She put on a big pair o f red cowboy boots and a short denim skiirt with fringe covered in turquoise beads, then she put on a belt with a big buckle. it had the Mothman on it.
Rosaie hadnt wanted to go with the mothnman theme but Alice persuaded her by benig really annoying until Rosalie aggreed. alice thoufht the mothman was hot.
Next Roslaie put on a tight vest (denim to mach her skirt) that she wore as a shirt and a biiig red leather cowboy hart. As she looked at her earrings she thought of bellas big sexy clown nose and picked out a pair of jet black studs,
Rosalie thought shed never met a gorl as ;pretty as bella, it had just taken hier until today to realize it. She sighed dreamily as she put on a bolo tie. hopefuly she could catch bella before the show.
bela was also getting ready. (a/n ib her own house obviously) She wasnted Rosalie to fall in live with her so she haad to look as hot as possuble. So she put on a rufly black and white skirt with black suspenders and a strapless top with three fuzzy pom pom buttons. Bella pur on ripped white stockingd and shiny black clown shows and tight blsck gloves with rainbows on the cufs. she did her eyelinger and put on the shiny nose shed been wearing at schcool and wore her favorite cowboy hat on her blad head. she wore earrings with upside down crucifixis showing the death of triboulet. bella thought it was really cool he ccame back after three days to bevome the anticlown and send all catholics to hell.yay!
bella looced in the morror . it began to bubble and melt form her shere awesomeness. bella smirked. she would wim rosalies heart today.