You know the rules (and so do I): A Twilight Fanfiction
~Chapter 2~
bell a pedaled to school. she was listening to the mothman's latest album on the tape deck in tje dashboard of her old 70s bike her dad bought from his fishing friend the old guy. wehn she pulled up to the big bike rack in fron tof the school she almost fell over. so clumsy lol so unique so quirky. the most betiful gorl shes ever seen is wakling to the door of the school. bella stares at her back as she walkks away and enters a vivid daydresadm. the girl asks her out and theuy go on severa l dates ofwer the course of a few months. the goirl and her go to prom together at the end og the year and bella givers her a fcorsafge the exavct color of gher dress and the y stay in tough for the next few years whoile they go to different collefes eventually meeting uyp once they gradyuate. maybe they move to a small to wn in the rocky mountains and get two cats and an outdoor swimming pool and they live there for sixty years and ewhen htey die theuy pass on a few weeks apart and get buried in the same grabe. :,)
bella exits her gay coma five minutes after the bell rigns adn she goes to class quickley.
o no!! she is sitting next to the gir;l!! :0 her name is rosaluie sand she is not very nice :( sad gay times for mbella . bella knows shes mean because sjhe drew a doodle of bella on her paper and waited until bella saw it before writing 'stinkuy' with an arrow.
'ok work in groups ' says the teacher. I don't care what the class is doing. I'm really starting to question what I'm doing with my time. (I mean, owo classwork!! uw u this is just like twilight im rewriting it so wrell ;3)
"i hate high school" says rosalie. "it would be stupoid to do high school ocve r and over again even for a disguise. i sure am glasda im not that stupid and im just here for this one time. whats a dna by the way i haveno idea ive never taken this class before in a different state"
bella frowns. rolsalie sounds familiar. she kind of looks familiar too. wait. could ashe be...? MOTHMAN SONGER MOTHMINA? No,,,,fugckin,,,,WAY XD "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU MOTHMINA????" she asks calmly.
rosaluie rollls her onyx orbs. "of course not you idiot. im rosalie, a normal human being"
bella frowned. well if rosalie didnt want to out herself in fron t tof an entire biology class obviously rosalie woulld deny being in a band. of course this means shes telling the truth. bella hangs her head. "sorry" she wimpers.
michael the idiod scium of the earth i want to put his entrails through a woodchipper whiole he is sctill living, pipes up in his annloying voice. "hey bella! dont be sad! you can always date me?" he smiles and his mouth is a cavern of rot and despair. his beady eyes seem alight with some moronic attempt at empathy. bella doesn't need his pity. "excuse me i am gounig to the nurse im having a period"
mike hisses, his face contorted in disgust. he is too immature to handle periods. jessica, who is beautiful and kind, stands up. "bella! ill go with you :DD lets be best friemnds!
bella nods happily.. jessica is so nince and sweet and definitely deservbes better than MICHAEL. so does bella. when they are out in t he hallway bella says "can you help me date rosalie? she is so pretty and i love her,,"
jessica lookds thoughtful. "r u sure? shes kinda mean. that might be difficult. but u r so pretty and quirky uwu im sure you could do it!"
bella beams her brown orbs shining. "yey! lets go!"
"alsp whats the band on your t shirt? it looks so cool and not at all politically controverisal!"
"o thats my mothnan t shirt! they r my favorite band! you know when i forst saw her i thought she was mothmina the blond girl from the band bu t she said shes not."
"thats too bad. i also trust that she was totally telling the trith and not lying so that you woulldn t out her to her bio class"
"ok cool lets get lunch together"
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